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Ottoman Census Registers Reading Group

Hilal Tümer, Marilena Bali, Elias Kolovos, Theodoros Tzanatos, Ayşe Ozil.


This project aims to decipher 19th century Ottoman Census Registers, called defters, to create a dataset of Rum communities and parishes. Information collected includes household and family relations, profession, place of origin, tax status, and even physical descriptions of individuals. 

Data Cleaning

Due to a lack of standardization among census questions throughout the period, early iterations of this project included transliteration of the defters and later input of data into a spreadsheet.

Data Visualization 

This data has allowed us to create large scale spatial understands of Rum neighborhoods through mapping of individuals homes and place of work. Comparing different census data creates a more nuanced understanding of the Rum community’s dynamism and evolution through time.

Monthly Meetings

The reading group gathers online once a month to discuss the defters. Those interested in joining are welcome to contact us. Please consult to this link for an index of names we gather at the registers.

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